Sandeep Kumar Mohanty & Prakash Chandra Dash (2023): The moderating effect of participation on community identity in cultural festivals: A post-pandemic reality check, Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, DOI: 10.1080/15470148.2023.2231626
Dash, Prakash Chandra Dr.; Dash, Mrutyunjay Dr.; and Sahoo, Chandrakanta Dr. (2023) "Intention to Revisit the Chariot Festival (Ratha Yatra): An Experience Economy Approach," International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage: Vol. 11: Iss. 2, Article 4.doi:
Panda, A ,Mohapatra, S, Dash, P.C., (2022), “Reinventing Healthcare Services through Online Communities- Exploring the Key Determinants”, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management,Vol.13, No.4 .( ScopusIndex, ‘B’ Rating in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality Journal Listed).
Dash, P.C. and Samantaray, M.N., (2017), “Determinants of Tourism Expression- The Nabakalebara Event”, International Journal of Event and Festival Management, Emerald, 9(1), 104-119. (Scopus Index and ‘B’ Rating in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality JournalListed).
Sahu, D. and Dash, P.C. (2018), “India as a Tourism Hub- a Study of Promotional Strategies and Implications”, The Marketing Review, accepted for publication. (‘C’ Rating in Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Quality JournalListed).
Ahmed, S, Dash, P.C, Mahmud, I and Sahel, S. (2018), “An empirical study on the antecedents of shopping experience in Bangladeshi malls: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach”, Journal of Business and RetailManagement, 13(4), 30-42. (Scopus Index Journal)
Dash, P.C. (2017), “Influence of shopping experience on Mall Patronage in India Context”, AIMS Journal of Management, 3(2), pp.133-152. (UGC-CARE list of Journals under Group-I)
Singh, H. &Dash, P.C. (2016). “Perceptual Differences for Determinants of Mall Management across Genders in India”. Journal of Indian Retailing- IIR Journal Publication, 1(1),36-42.
Singh, H. & Dash, P.C. (2014). “Exploring Determinants of Mall Management from customer’sperspective in India”. Business Perspective(BIMTECH Journal),13(1),44- 58.
Sahu, D & Dash, P.C. (2014). “Shopping Mall Attributes as Determinants of Shopping Preference of Eastern Region Shoppers in India”. Great Lakes Heralds, 3(1),46-58.
Singh, H, and Dash, P.C. (2013), “Determinants of Mall Image in the IndianContext”,Asia Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, SAGE, 8(4), 407-415.
Dash, P.C.,(2013),“Understanding the attractiveness dimensions of shopping malls in Bhubaneswar” International Journal of Management and Marketing Research.4(2),1- 13.
Sahoo, S.C and Dash. P.C (2010), “Consumer Decision Making Style in Shopping Mall-AnEmpiricalStudyinIndianContext”,IndianJournalofMarketing,8(3),52-68. (Scopus Index)
Paper titled “Implication of Demographic Differences on Volunteer Motivation in Asian Athletics Championship” at XLRI, Jamshedpur,2018.
Paper titled “Perceptual Difference for Determinants of Mall Management across Gender in India” at Birla GlobalUniversity-2017.
Paper titled “Understanding Shopping Mall Preferences for gaining Competitive Advantage: A Study in Eastern Region India” at S ‘O’A University-2015.
Paper titled “Mall Management in India- Creating an enjoyable experience” at IIMC for the MARCON-2012.
Papertitled“DeterminantsofMall ImageintheIndianContext”hasbeenpresentedby the first author Dr. H.Singh at fourth Annual American Business Research, Adelphi University, USA,2012.
Paper titled “Mall Management in India- A Study on large Retail Malls” at IIMA Doctoral Colloquium2012.
Paper titled “Determinants of Mall Management in India-A Conceptual Framework”, at IIMA Doctoral Colloquium2011.
Paper titled “Retailing in India- opportunities, Challenges and Strategies” Two days national seminar at IBS, Hyderabad2008.